Mo rockin’


This gallery contains 49 photos.

I loved Morocco. Getting there was an annoying backtracking process (bus from Lagos to Seville, train from Seville to Madrid, fly from Madrid to Marrakech) but it was worth it because I was badly craving something different to Europe. I … Continue reading

I couldn’t find a barber in Seville


This gallery contains 24 photos.

Seville is one of the few places I’d actually heard of before I went there (although if I’m being dreadfully honest I had no idea it was in Spain…) because that nice Austrian chap – Mozart – wrote about the … Continue reading


We left the hostel for Monaco at around 9:30 AM.

There were about four options for how to get there, we kept changing our plans as we missed each bus. It turns out we were standing at the wrong stop – the one time we did manage to jump on a Monaco bus the driver barked at us that the service had finished, and we had to wait around the corner. With Supernanny’s ‘naughty corner’ in the forefront of both our minds, and complete lack of comprehension about most of her shouting, we wandered hopelessly for a while, before seeing another bus and chasing it down the road. Found the stop, eventually jumped on the bus to Monaco. When we got on it was packed to the brim – all the seats were taken, so us and another 15 people had to stand. At every stop along the road to Monaco we picked up more people, until nobody standing had to hold a rail because we were packed in so tightly that there was no way anyone would fall over even if we rolled upside down. There were at least 75 people on the bus, I think it was built for 40. We disembussed at Villefranche-sur-Mer, a very very pretty wee seaside town on the way. Continue reading