
I decided to broaden my southern France horizons by venturing to the west. I decided upon Cannes as my venue of choice, so bought a train ticket and jumped aboard. The train took a tediously long time, mainly because a chap decided he would transport his motorbike by train in one of the main entrance gangways.

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This is obviously not the done thing; a bunch of officials then turned up and decided to discuss the issue on the platform. Around 20 mins later we got going again (avec moto) but it was so late I thought, “stuff Cannes, I’ll jump off early”. Hence began my afternoon in Antibes.

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First stop was a fort. It was bloody shut. If you want to visit a tourist site that is shut just go with me; I seem to have the worst luck with opening hours.

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So I u-turned and wandered back in the sweltering heat, observing intriguing sights such as a floating syringe in the marina and a lady walking a cat on a leash.

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Next stop was the Picasso Museum. Also shut.

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In lieu of entering tourist sites I wandered around the streets, took a few snaps and was convinced I saw Gwyneth Paltrow, however on further reflection realized this was highly unlikely.

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I got on the wrong train to go home. I paid for a crap train but got on a fast train, then spent the majority if my journey worrying that I might get busted and fined. Luckily this didn’t happen.